The Humble Indie Bundle
May 4th, 2010
Introducing the Humble Indie Bundle! This is an awesome pay-what-you-want indie video game / charity promotion that we are trying out. Please watch this video to find out what it's all about, or read on! The Humble Indie Bundle Pay What You Want Basically we're taking 5 classic indie games: World of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru HD and Penumbra ...
New IRC experiment
April 29th, 2010
The Wolfire IRC channel is an awesome place to hang out with developers and talk about Overgrowth, video games, and random stuff. Like the forums and blog, we try not to really moderate it -- it just naturally sort of polices itself and stays cool. However, every once in a while, the channel is attacked by people who can easily render ...
Don't you... forget about Meebo
April 23rd, 2010
With each successive Meebo post, I imagine people might get more and more skeptical over whether anything useful transpires on the Wolfire live chat. I assure you that productive things do happen but filling a post with such chats would probably scare half of our subscribers away. Since people seem to have enjoyed the previous Meebo posts, I humbly submit ...
Reverse-Engineering Binary Files
April 22nd, 2010
This is a guest post written by Wolf Mathwig aka rudel_ic. Wolf is a long-time forum member who's reverse-engineered Lugaru file formats to enable the modification of 3D models, animations and skeletons for the game. In real life, Wolf is a 30-years-old software developer from Germany. Reverse-engineering binary file formats is like learning another language without a teacher by ...
Feedback In Game Design
April 21st, 2010
This is a guest blog by Chris Hazard of Hazardous Software Inc., the makers of the upcoming time travel RTS, Achron. Feedback is a part of every day life. It occurs when the output of something is put back in as input. Positive Feedback Imagine that you're going to a local sporting event on the weekend, and because of ...
Preorder Overgrowth with TrialPay
April 14th, 2010
It has been a long time since I mentioned TrialPay which has been very successful for us, so I figured I should talk about it again for the many new readers! TrialPay is a payment service that basically lets you preorder Overgrowth in a unique way: instead of simply paying us $29.95 directly, you can sign up for a ...
A blog scheduling experiment
April 12th, 2010
For the past year and a half, we've been writing a blog post every day. While we're pretty confident that it has lead to the steady growth of the Wolfire blog, the truth is, we don't know how it compares to other strategies because we've never tried anything else. So we're thinking about blogging slightly ...