Wolfire Monthly Update - October 2021
Add comment!October 3rd, 2021

Low Light Combat
In July we dropped our brand new multiplayer experience Low Light Combat. For those who don’t know, Low Light Combat is a reimagining of a Jam game we made in 2013. The new LLC is a completely free multiplayer shooter that uses light and time to create tense and fast paced battles. The game was created in a month using the beta of Unreal Engine 5.Since release, the Wolfire community has been trying out LLC and we’ve been right there with you. We’ve loved jumping into matches and getting absolutely destroyed by fans. We even streamed one of those community play sessions over on our Twitch channel and then edited the VOD so we could put the best bits on our YouTube channel.
Overgrowth Map Jam July 2021
Another exciting thing to come out of the community recently was the latest Overgrowth Map Jam. Despite other jams requiring map creators to create within a theme or themes, this jam dropped the idea of having a theme and encouraged creators to go wild. The results were amazing. There were eight maps created for this jam and they ranged from a fully playable car racing level, all the way to recreating Receiver in Overgrowth. During the voting stages we streamed our journey playing through all of the maps on our Twitch channel and had a blast!In the end the community declared Yanwang Ken’s map victorious so congratulations to them! We recommend you try out all of the maps created for the jam as each was unique and full of creativity. You can find them all on the Steam workshop.
If you want a breakdown of each of the maps submitted and what they entail, we spotlighted each of them in this video on our YouTube channel.
The Future
There is so much more coming down the pipeline that we can’t wait to share, but until then we just want to express how grateful we are for the Wolfire community and all that you do to support us.