Livestream development for F This Jam

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November 10th, 2012

This week, Aubrey and I are streaming our work on an online board game for F This Jam. This will help me become more familiar with netcode to evaluate multiplayer options for Overgrowth, and help Aubrey practice his painting and world-building skills. Here are the streams; you can click the links to join the chat rooms!

Watch live video from wolfiredavid on
Watch live video from wolfireaubrey on

We picked the roll-and-move board game genre because we felt that it dominates the popular understanding of what a board game is (with examples like Monopoly, Snakes & Ladders, Candyland and Sorry), but is largely considered to be too random for experienced gamers to enjoy. We would like to try to make one that is just as easy to pick up and play, but has more room for player choice.