Download the Humble Indie Bundle #2 using BitTorrent
Add comment!December 24th, 2010
When Jeff asked pirates why they pirated the bundle (instead of buying it for one penny), some responded that they just prefer to use BitTorrent. It reduces bandwidth costs, increases download speeds, reduces file corruption, and makes it easy to pause and resume downloads.
With that in mind, Jeff added an official BitTorrent download method inside of the Humble Indie Bundle #2. You can get the games and soundtracks via BitTorrent by clicking the BitTorrent toggle:

The BitTorrent links are seeded using webseeds from our MaxCDN servers, and then accelerated further by all of the other users, so they should be the fastest way to download. As more and more people start seeding it, it should start to cost us a lot less per download, so please use BitTorrent if you are one of those who paid a penny or less for the bundle!

BitTorrent gets a bad rap because of its association with piracy, but we may actually be able to reduce piracy by supporting it. The most common search term for the Humble Indie Bundle is "Humble Indie Bundle torrent", so we hope that by supporting BitTorrent we can help convert at least some of the pirates into legitimate users, or at least give one less reason to pirate it.
If you got to this post via Google, looking for a way to get it on BitTorrent, now you can purchase the Humble Bundle, and use our premium torrents!
Do you prefer direct downloads or torrents? Please let us know if you can think of any other ways we can improve our download service.