Back from PAX
Add comment!September 1st, 2011

On Monday night I returned from a great trip to PAX, where I was part of a panel about making art for indie games. I was honored to be on the panel with such awesome developers, and would like to thank everyone who came to our discussion. This was my first presentation like this, so I was a bit nervous, but it was still exciting to talk to fans face-to-face. I wish we had had more time to answer questions, but I hope everyone still enjoyed it.

We wanted something fun to spice up our panel, so we made a short Flash video as an intro. Brendan Mauro and I did the animation and Danny B supplied the music to it. Press space on the loading screen to start the animation (it contains flashing lights, so be careful if you're sensitive to that sort of thing). Check it out below:
I've attended E3 and GDC in the past, but I liked PAX better than either of those shows. A lot of GDC and E3 attendees are professional developers, and sadly, not everyone working in the games industry loves games. At PAX everyone seemed really excited about the games being shown and appeared to be having a lot of fun playing the games and talking to the developers. It was really neat to meet some of the people who have been following our blog, and to try out the latest builds of cool games like Fez, Spelunky and SpyParty (and too many others to list!).

It doesn't look like anyone I know recorded the talk or took photos, but maybe someone in the audience did? It would be interesting to hear what other PAX visitors thought of this year's event. Please let me know in the comments!