Wolfire Monthly Update - January 2021
Add comment!January 14th, 2021

Happy New Year!
From everyone here at Wolfire, we want to wish you all a happy new year! Last year was huge for us. The launch of Receiver 2 was something we had been building to for a long time and to see it finally in the hands of you folks was amazing.
Since the release, not only have you been enjoying the game but you've been using it to make your own art! Every single week we see great videos, amazing fan art, and hilarious memes, all made in the game. Checking the Wolfire Discord server is always a great experience because there’s always a new piece of fan generated content or an interesting discussion going on.
With Receiver 2 finally in peoples hands, we were able to use player's feedback to start adding to and improving the game. Of all the updates that we’ve made to the game, one of our favourites of 2020 has to be the Halloween patch. We were very excited for everyone to meet our brand new enemy, ‘The Stalker Entity’, and to be able to reveal it in such a fun way to tie it in with Halloween was a delight. Watching people's reactions to the terrifying new enemy will never get old and we appreciate people for sharing those reactions with us through Let’s Plays and Live Streams.
In 2020 we also tried a lot of new things here at Wolfire outside of game development and the response from our fans has been humbling. We have gotten more experimental with our video content, such as our series about the history of glass VFX in video games and its effect on Receiver 2’s development. We launched the Wolfire merchandise store which finally allowed people to show off their Receiver 2/Overgrowth love, and it was with that merchandise store that we were able to raise money for the charity Mermaids with an exclusive Pride variant of the Wolfire logo shirt. We also started streaming on the Wolfire Twitch channel leading to some very fun interactions with the Wolfire community.
We are not even scratching the surface of everything that happened at our little corner of the internet last year but we wanted to do a round up of some of the biggest things and give a massive thank you to everyone who has been with us and who has joined us throughout 2020. It was an absolutely wild year and while we are very proud of what we accomplished, you better believe we have more planned for 2021. So keep an eye on our socials and the Wolfire discord to see what is coming this year!

Receiver 2 Launch Trailer
The trailer we released to launch Receiver 2.Overgrowth Meets Tekken!
We take a look at the entries for the July 2020 Overgrowth map jam!The Greatest Overgrowth Mod Ever Made
We look at the single greatest Overgrowth mod ever uploaded to the Steam workshop.