Wolfire Monthly Update - February 2021
Add comment!February 9th, 2021

We are only a month into 2021 and here at Wolfire things are already in full swing. We are going to break down the latest Wolfire news and updates starting with a massive thank you!Last year the Wolfire community helped Receiver 2 get into the finals of the Game Development World Championship. It was an amazing turnout and we were so grateful for the support you all showed us. Last month voting was opened for the finals and we were overjoyed that once again you all came out to show your love for Receiver 2. Thanks entirely to your passion we are proud to announce that Receiver 2 won the 2020 GDWC Fan Favourite award! We can not express how much it means to us that you are such a dedicated and supportive fan base.

Overgrowth Map Jam January 2021
Speaking of the Wolfire community, the first Overgrowth Map Jam of 2021 took place last month! If you are not aware, the Overgrowth Map Jam is a long running map creation competition currently managed by community member, Fason7. Every Jam people create Overgrowth maps, or in some cases whole campaigns, based on the Jam’s specific theme. This Jam yielded many great maps and you can try them all out for yourself on the Steam workshop!! We also streamed many of the maps over on the Wolfire Games Twitch channel. For more information on the map jam and also all things to do with the Wolfire community, we highly recommend checking out our Discord Server.
Receiver 2 Merchandise Drop
If you are yet to check out the Wolfire Games merchandise store now is the perfect time as we just launched a brand new type of product. In addition to the many T-shirt, sticker and phone case designs available, you can now get your very own Receiver 2 poster! Not only is this a brand new design perfect for any Receiver out there but it’s also the first poster we have ever released on the store, but it certainly won’t be the last!Upcoming Content
And finally let’s talk about games! As we mentioned in our last post, Receiver 2 has been updated quite a bit since launch and we have been working hard to make sure players always look forward to coming back to the game. With that being said, you might have noticed that something strange is happening on some of our socials. We don’t quite know how, but there does seem to be some kind of message or warning making its way through to our fans. Only time will tell what it could all mean but be sure to stay updated on Wolfire Games if you want to be up to date with the latest Receiver 2 news.